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Showing posts from May, 2020


All previous  MCQ on Tunnel Engineering which will help you to analyze our material content and their approach towards Exams 1)Which one of the following statements is not correct for heading and benching method of tunneling ?  A. Drilling and mucking can be done simultaneously  B. Benching provides a platform for working on heading  C. Removal of muck from the heading is very easy   D. None of these. 2)The difference of heights of the tunnels above rail tops of BG and MG tracks is kept  A. 0.30 m B. 0.45 m  C. 0.60 m D. 0.75 m 3) In case of drift method of tunneling, the drift may be excavated at  A. the centre  B. the bottom  C. the top  D. the side  E. All of the above   4) A tunnel is found more advantageous as compared to the alternate routes because it:  A. remains free from snow  B. reduces the cost by reducing the route distance  C. reduces the maintenance cost   D. avoids interferenc...


Know the topic " Blasting of tunnel " with basic approach considering its consequences Definations of Blasting in tunnel Blasting in tunnel : Discharging operation of a explosive to loosen rock  Blasting Powder=Salt petre + Sulphur + Charcoal Safety Fuse : Use to convey a flame to explosive .It contin black powder. Electric Squib : To ignite blasting powder Prima Cord : Very high explosive detonating fuse whose core is contained in the water proof with considerable tensile strength.  Used to detonate dynamite @ velocity of 6000m/sec Coyoto Tunnel : Tunnel of several metre diameter into which a large quantity of explosive placed for detonating purposes  Stemming : Process of adding inert material such as mud or rock dust in bore hole Primer :It is mainly used to initiate explosion. Types of Explosive used in blasting in tunnel 1) Powder Explosive  2) Liquid air Explosive  3) Disruptive Explosive  Grade and strength in form of cartridges of 2....


Get a look towards other " Method of Tunneling in Soft Rock ″used in trending condition   LINER PLATE METHOD Standard sized pressed steel plates ,plain or corrugated are used to support the soil,and work is carried in short length corresponding to the length of these plates.The plates are made with flanges of angle shape on all four sides.All the flanges carry holes through which they are connected together by bolts and nuts longitudinally and transversely   It is  presented steel plates, plain or corrugated are used to support the soil  during excavation. Liner Plate Liner plates are generally made 16" by 36" with a 2" flange on all four sides. The latter dimension along the circumference of tunnel section. The advantage of this size is that the number of plates required is equal to the diameter of the tunnel in feet  The size of the plates is 0.9 * 0.4 with a flange of 0.05metre This method used in subaqueos strata Trench braces may be used...




Observing new process followed in LIGHTING SYSTEM IN TUNNEL AND VENTILATION SYSTEM OF TUNNEL Ventilation in Tunnel The main objective to provide proper ventilation  in tunnel during tunnel operation are To supply fresh air to the working crew To remove injurious and obnoxious fumes and gases of explosion To safely remove the dust caused by drilling blasting and mucking Natural and Mechanical   Ventilation in tunnel : When drift is driven from portal to portal it provides fair ventilation in tunnel during enlarging operations. In long tunnels, this natural ventilation is inadequate and mechanical ventilation Used when drift was driven from portal to portal Used when the tunnel is short and diameter long  If it is oriented along wind direction Its efficiency depends on alignment and grade of the flow of traffic Volume of Air Consideration: During working each worker should be supplied with 200 cu.ft to 500 cu.ft of fresh air. A compressed air used for the drills is usuall...


Understand the methodology with practical example  for the topic   Tunneling in Hard Rock    


GET RID OF METHODOLOGY AND MOVE TOWARDS THE APPLICATION OF SHAFTS AND PORTALS IN TUNNEL Introduction about Shaft and Portal in Tunneling Shafts are vertical tunnels reaching from ground surface down to tunnel roof . They afford many advantages and used in constructing tunnel. When the position and course of tunnel are correctly aligned and accordingly set out on the surface shafts are sunk at suitable points on this tunnel line to aid tunneling advantages  Location of Shaft and Portal Shaft   are verticals tunnels reaching from ground surface down to tunnel roof .They afford manifold advantages and uses in constructing tunnels Shaft are sunk at suitable points on tunnel line to aid tunneling operations Rectangular shape is preferred for temporary shaft and circular shape  is preferred for vertical shaft  Ideal site selection  for shaft is valley Advantages of Shaft and portal They greatly expedite the work by adding two faces per shaft for dr...


"Classification of Tunnel" play a main role to clarify shapes, differences & accountability in design of Tunnel Structure                 Tunnel classification &Design of shape and size A tunnel classification may be for  foot or vehicular road traffic or for a canal. The central portion of rapid transit network are usually in the tunnel.Some tunnel are aqueduct to supply water for consumption or for hydroelectric station or sewers.  The shape of tunnel c/s is governed by nature and type of ground penetrated  while size is largely controlled by the use to which tunnel is put Theoretically  circular section is best for resisting either internal or  external  pressure and at the same time provides the greatest c/s area for least diameter Shapes for tunnel cross section Disadvantage But this circular section has  disadvantage  too .The top curved invert make it  difficult in carrying ...


GET FULL KNOWLEDGE WITH PRACTICAL APPROACH   ALIGNMENT OF TUNNEL  AND  GET KEY TO GRASP MATERIAL ALIGNMENT OF TUNNEL The work contain the alignment of tunnel of centre line on surface and tranfer it to tunnel and good levelling work on surface and inside the tunnel can be achieved. 1)First a preliminary  location survey is done followed by very precise resurvey of line 2)As tunnel excavation is carried out from each end face as also from several intermediate shaft faces,minute accuracy in survey of centre line is essential 3)When tunnel is short,ordinary engineer transit,properly handled gives close and satisfactory results 4)When tunnel is very long it is very necessary to have a tunnel transit and is fitted with striding level by which transverse axis can be made truly horizontal 5)Levelling work is carried on in the standard way except for fact,that where steep slopes are encountered extra care are taken 6) Horizontal distance are measured by  Stepping Inclin...


A Key article to learn " Method of Tunneling in Soft Rock " providing easy access to learn     Classification of  Method of tunneling in soft rock  1)Hard rock or fully self supporting 2)Soft soils  requiring temporary support during and after construction. Forepoling Method      Sequence of operation The shaft is sunk from surface to the grade level and properly protected with timber sheeting A wooden bent properly braced is setup a few inches from sheeting Small holes at close interval are drilled through the sheeting to facilitate section being cutout.The pattern of holes are 3 inches apart above the cap and other lines of holes below the cap A peice of sheeting is cutout along the top lines of the holes Forepoles or spiles consists of planks with wedge end are entered one at a time and driven through cut,into the ground for half their lengths with an upward inclination of 2 inch per foot. After all the roof and part of sid...