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Upgrade yourself with replacer of cement by Soyabean husk ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS)


The demand for concrete as a material of construction has increased as the demand for infrastructure development has also increased, especially in countries such as China and India. Concrete is key material used in various types of construction from flooring of a hut to a multi storey high rise building. Concrete is one of the versatile heterogeneous material. Reinforced concrete is one of the most popular material used for construction in the world. With the advent of concrete civil engineering has touched highest peak of technology. It is the material of choice where strength, durability, impermeability, fire resistance and abrasion resistance are required .The properties of concrete mainly depend on constituents used in concrete making.
The study focuses on production of Soyabean Husk which is being produced in a farm under threshing process so such material can be put into use as a partial replacer of cement in a mix. With fast depletion of energy resource & reserves like coal, petroleum and diesel etc. now requirement is to develop alternate energy source and use it as a substitute to conventional fuel to lessen the burden on conventional energy source & cope up with the depleting fuel reserves. The use of agro waste in the form of solid white coal by adopting the piston cylinder ram pressing technology will not only arrest the ever increasing dimination of conventional fuel like coal lignite, fire wood & furriness oil etc., but also reduce cost of imports and save foreign currency and be helpful to utilize huge resources of forestry waste, agricultural waste and industrial wastages, it is step further to make our country pollution free. White coal is an alternative source of energy, having similar properties of black bustard coal or conventional coal, can be the replacement of conventional black coal. It is less polluting & the raw material easily available in nature. Such material is cheaper in cost & raw material is sufficiently available in almost all part of India for production.
Concrete mix design refers to the process of appropriate selection and proportioning of constituents to produce a concrete with predefined characteristics in plastic as well as in solid state. Designed mix concrete suggests proportion of cement, sand, aggregates and water based on actual material quality, degree of quality control, moisture content for given concrete compressive strength required for project. Compressive strength is the most important requirement of concrete mix design. Concrete, when specified as a structural material in any construction activity, it primarily has to satisfy the required workability and compressive strength criteria. However, durability is one more property which has almost equal importance as that of compressive strength. Environmental conditions which may adversely affect the quality of concrete should be taken into consideration. M10, M15, M20 are the commonly used nominal mixes used in construction. For higher grade of concrete i.e. M25 and above, it is advised to have designed mix concrete.
The main aim of the present study is to determine the compressive strength and self-compactness of concrete mix of M40 grade ,with partial replacement of cement with soyabean husk ash & ground granulated blast furnace slag (in range of 5%-30% of each) concrete specimen have been analyzed for 7, 21, 28 days. Our study includes the double blending of cement with GGBFS or Soyabean husk ash which exploits the beneficial characteristics of both pozzolanic materials in producing a better concrete. It has been seen that modification of cement with suitable pozzolanic material which is obtained from waste can yield a high strength in a mix. Therefore the project examines the suitability of these methods of mix design through experimental procedures on mixes containing mineral admixtures.
Finally the project dealt with study of properties namely workability and compressive strength of M40 grade by quaternary mix of cement, sand, and aggregate along with Soyabean Husk Ash or Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag.



The construction industry plays a vital role in the nation’s economy. Utilisation of the industry & agricultural by products in this sector could become an important route for a large scale safe disposal of waste and reduction of construction cost. However with increasing and environmental concerns associated with Co2 emission in the manufacturing of Portland cement an alternative construction material is required. So for this reduction of harmful gases from the concrete alternative supplementary material are to be added to concrete which can reduce heat of hydration and also reduce gases which are harmful to human health which can also prove cost effective.
Use of the materials which can control pollution and can produced from industry as well as agriculture such as ground granulated blast furnace slag, soyabean husk ash, silica fume, metakaolin, rice husk ash and natural pozzolana which can be used to incorporate in high performance concrete (HPC) or as a partial cement replaced. Utilisation of this by-product in the cement concrete not only prevent from being land filled but also enhance the properties of concrete in the fresh and hardened concrete.
So, ultimately in this project work we are going to introduce an agricultural as well as industrial waste material as a partial replacer of cement in a concrete to enhance the properties of cement as well as to protect the environment from disaster effect of harmful gases from cement. So the supplementary materials which are being used:
  • Soyabean husk ash
  • Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag

1.1.1 Soyabean Husk Ash

The general aim of this study was to determine the white coal production costs resources. Agriculture waste or biomass is gathered and compressed under large pressure soyabean husk press/pellet machine which convert it into bio fuel/soyabean husk briquettes. If the raw material size is small then it is directly fed into soyabean husk press machine by conveyor, if large then it must be crushed first. This is simple process & eco-friendly. Soyabean husk ash replace the fossil fuels which is a biomass/ soyabean husk pellets. It is totally made from agriculture waste and it does not create any type of pollution. The specific costs of soyabean husk is relatively less as compared to other source of energy. The specific electricity consumption per metric ton of soyabean pellets is much lower in scenarios with higher production rate. It has less ash content as compared to black bustard coal. We can produce pellet (small soyabean husk ash) for domestic combustion purpose which is also form of soyabean husk pallets having 60 mm diameter & 250 mm length made in soyabean husk pallets machine. The requirement of coal in power plant is in metric tonnes, so it is not possible to produce pellet to power plant that is why made soyabean husk from agriculture waste in large quantity which has finished product, 90 mm in diameter and 150 mm to 400 mm length production in soyabean husk briquettes press machine.
It is a coal substitute made from agriculture and forest waste. This soyabean husk pallets/briquettes can be efficiently used to replace conventional black coal and fire wood. The soyabean husk fuel pallets/briquettes are converted from the agro waste to solid cylindrical shape logs, by using very high mechanical pressure machine, without help of any chemical reaction and testing. With fast depletion of energy resource & reserves like coal, petroleum and diesel etc. now requirement is to develop another energy resources and use it in process as an alternative fuel which subsequently will convert into energy resources & contributes to solve the energy problems now-a-days, By use of agro waste in the form of solid soyabean husk pallets/briquettes by adopting the cylinder piston simple mechanism technology will not arrest the ever increasing domination of conventional fuel like coal lignite, fire wood and furriness oil etc. There is no fly ash content when burning soyabean husk ash, it is cheaper than conventional black coal, heavy furnace oil & fire wood etc. Combustion is more uniform compared to coal and boiler response to changes in steam generation is faster and more, due to higher quantity of volatile matter in soyabean husk. Soyabean husk pallets/briquettes having a higher practical thermal value and much less ash content (2-8% as compared to 20-40% in coal). Soyabean husk pallets/briquettes have better quality compare to other source of fuel, have high burning efficiency, if it has fine small size raw material for complete combustion. Generally Oil & Coal contains high sulphur which pollutes the environment but Soyabean husk pallets/briquettes is in very much in demand as an alternative fuel because it is pollution free, easy to burn - lower ignition temperature compared to black coal. It is free from pollution to the environment and no toxic gas and sulphur emission and even no odour.
Soyabean husk pallets/briquettes is used as a substitute for other fuels like conventional black coal, petroleum, and diesel & wood logs. This is very advantageous over the other sources of fuel because of many reasons. Soyabean husk pallets/briquettes is economic and more inflammable because of soyabean husk pallets/briquettes contains high density and higher fix carbon value. Growing crisis and the price of the fossil fuels have made it an essential one.


Blast furnace slag is a by-product of iron manufacturing industry. Iron ore, coke and limestone are fed into the furnace, and the resulting molten slag floats above the molten iron at a temperature of about 1500°C to 1600°C. The molten slag has a composition of 30% to 40% silicon dioxide (SiO2) and approximately 40% CaO, which is close to the chemical composition of Portland cement. After the molten iron is tapped off, the remaining molten slag, which mainly consists of siliceous and aluminous residues, is then rapidly water- quenched, resulting in the formation of a glassy granulate. This glassy granulate is dried and ground to the required size which is known as ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS). The production of GGBFS requires little additional energy compared with the energy required for the production of Portland cement.
The replacement of Portland cement with GGBFS will lead to a significant reduction of carbon dioxide gas emission. GGBFS is therefore an environmentally friendly construction material. It can be used to replace as much as 80% of the Portland cement when used in concrete. GGBFS concrete has better water impermeability characteristics as well as improved resistance to corrosion and sulphate attack. As a result, the service life of a structure is enhanced and the maintenance cost reduced. High volume eco-friendly replacement slag leads to the development of concrete which not only utilizes the industrial wastes but also saves significant natural resources and energy. This in turn reduces the consumption of cement.


The process of selecting suitable ingredients of concrete and determining their relative amounts with the objective of producing a concrete of the required strength, durability and workability as economically as possible, is termed the concrete mix design.
“Concrete is composed principally of aggregates, Portland cement, and water, and many contain other cementitious materials and/or chemical admixtures. It will contain some amount of entrapped air and may also contain purposely entrapped air obtained by the use of admixture or air-entraining cement. Chemical admixtures are frequently used to accelerate, retard, improve workability, reduce mixing water requirements, increase strength, or alter other properties of the concrete. The selection of concrete proportions involves a balance between economy and requirements of placeability, compaction, strength, durability, density and appearance.”
  • Workability: the property of the concrete that determines its capacity to be placed and consolidated properly and be finished without harmful segregation.
  • Consistency: It is the relative mobility of the concrete mixture, and measured in terms of the slump; the greater the slump value the more mobile the mixture.
  • Strength: The capacity of concrete to resist compression at the age of 28 days.
  • Water –cement (w/c) or water – cementitious (w/(c+p)) ratio: Defined as the ratio of weight of water to weight of cement, or the ratio of weight of water to weight of cement plus added pozzolona. Either of the ratio is used in mix design and considerably controls concrete strength.
  • Durability: Concrete must be able to endure severe weather conditions such as freezing and thawing, wetting and drying, heating and cooling, chemicals, dicing agents, and like. An increase of concrete durability will enhance concrete resistance to severe weather conditions.
  • Density: For certain applications concrete may be used primarily for its weight characteristics. Examples are counter weights, weights for sinking pipelines under water, shielding for radiation, and insulation from sound.
  • Generation of heat: If the temperature rise of the concrete mass is not held to a minimum and the heat is allowed to dissipate at a reasonable rate, or if the concrete is subjected to severe differential or thermal gradient, cracking is likely to occur.


  1. Fluidity or consistency: Capability of being handled and of flowing into formwork and around any reinforcement, with assistance of compacting equipment.
  2. Compatibility: Air entrapped during mixing and handling should be easily removed by compaction equipment, such as vibrators.
  3. Stability or cohesiveness: Fresh concrete should remain homogeneous and uniform. No segregation of concrete paste from aggregates (especially coarse ones) Fluidity and compact-ability known as workability. Higher workability concretes are easier to place and handle but obtaining higher workability by increasing water content decreases strength and durability.
Workability: The amount of useful internal work necessary to produce full compaction without occurrence of the known concrete problems. The useful internal work is the work or energy required to overcome the internal friction between the individual particles in the concrete. In practice, however, additional energy is required to overcome the surface friction between concrete and the framework or the reinforcement.
Thus, in practice, it is difficult to measure the workability as defined above, and what we measure is workability which is applicable to particular method adopted.


1. Slump test
2. Compacting factor test
3. Vie bee test

Concrete mixes should not segregate (i.e. it ought to be cohesive; the absence of segregation is essential if full compaction is to be achieved). Segregation can be defined as separation of constituents of a heterogeneous mixture so that their distribution is no longer uniform.
There are two forms of segregation:
1. The coarser particles tend to separate out since they travel further along a slope and settle more than finer particles. It occurs when the mix is too dry.
2. It occurs in wet mixes through separation of cement paste from the mix. BLEEDING OF CONCRETE:

Bleeding, known also as water gain, is a form of segregation in which some of the water in the mix tends to rise to the surface of freshly placed concrete. This is caused by the inability of the solid constituents of the mix to hold all of the mixing water when they settle downwards. As a result of bleeding, the top of every lift (layer of concrete placed) may become too wet, and, if the water is trapped by superimposed concrete, a porous and weak layer of non-durable concrete will result. If the bleeding water is remixed during the finishing of top surface, a weak wearing surface will be formed. This can be avoided by delaying the finishing operation until the bleeding water has evaporated, and also by the use of wood floats and by avoidance of overworking of the surface. On the other hand, if evaporation of water from the surface of concrete is faster than the bleeding rate, plastic shrinkage cracking may result.


Basic factors of mix design are:
1. Weight of Ingredient per batch
2. Mix proportions
3. Capacity of mix
4. Overall grading
5. W/C ratio
6. Aggregate- Cement ratio
7. Required workability
8. Durability
9. Quality control
10. Mean strength
11. Minimum strength of concrete
12. Max aggregate size
13. Aggregate shape and texture
14. Compaction method
15. Type of cement
16. Age at which strength is required
17. Size of section and spacing of reinforcement
18. Liability to chemical action ASPECTS OF MIX DESIGN:

1. Workability
2. Strength
3. Durability
4. Cohesion
5. Plastic Strength
6. Mix proportions
7. Batch quantities
8. Air content
9. Special properties like surface finish


Mix design is important in various ways. Structural concrete must resist external forces and internal stresses due to various types of load. So concrete must possess certain minimum properties such as strength, consistency, durability etc. For this reason some suitable materials should be selected and their relative quantities should be determined. Again concrete must be made in most economic process. Mix design provides all the requirements and so it is very important.


1. Old method
  • Fineness modulus method
  • Minimum voids method
  • Trial mixes
  • Arbitrary method
2. New method
  • British method
  • ACI method
  • IS CODE method
Following are the advantages of concrete mix design:
  1. Good quality concrete as per requirements- this means the concrete will have required strength, workability, impermeability, durability, density and homogeneity.
  2. Nominal mix concrete may suggest ore concrete than other materials, and concrete mix design gives the accurate quantity of cement consumption. Thus it is an economic solution for large projects. It is possible to save upto 15% cement in M20 grade of concrete with the help of concrete ix design. In fact higher the grade of concrete more will be the savings. Lower cement content also results in lower heat of hydration and hence reduces shrinkage cracks.
  3. Best use of available materials: The nominal mix of concrete does not consider the quality of local construction materials. The concrete design is based on the quantity of available materials locally. Thus it is also an economic solution to reduce the transportation cost of materials from long distance.
  4. Desired concrete properties: The designed mix concrete will have the desired concrete properties based on the project or construction requirements. Requirements such as durability, strength, setting times, workability, etc. Can be controlled with the type of construction with concrete mix design. Other requirements such as early de-shuttering, pumpability, flexural strength, and lightweight concrete can also be controlled.

1.2 AIM:

To learn how to proportion selected materials that, when properly mixed and properly placed, will produce an economical concrete mix that meets the requirements for workability, placeability, consistency, compactability, strength, durability and appearance.
The aim of research is to develop concrete mix design using local material under local environment which will be very useful for the standard designers, civil engineers, builders, contractors and research/scholar students, ready mix suppliers and precast concrete manufacturers. By this method, one will be able to give exact proportioning of fine and coarse aggregate, quantity of concrete for the required grade of concrete, quantity of water in a very lesser time, just after few tests and calculations, at the site only.


To minimise the use of raw materials required in concreting in construction industry, to specify the most economical and practical combination of materials. To establish criteria for evaluating the test data to arrive at acceptable batch proportions for an approved mix design. To increase life of a structure by improving physical and chemical servile properties of concrete.



2.1.1 Cement
Cement that yields high compressive strength at the later stage is obviously preferable. The use of fine cementious material, such as micro silica or superfine fly ash, is useful as the fine particles grading would be extended; which would result in good filler action and reduced porosity. Furthermore, the pozzolanic reaction with Portland cement would further strengthen the cement matrix and improve the bond strength between aggregates and the matrix. Since the cement content of high strength concrete is unavoidably high, the heat of hydration resulting from the exothermic reaction of cement with water is high. Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) of 53 grades has been used in the present work. The cement used was fresh and without any lumps.

2.1.2 Fine aggregates
IS: 383-1970 defines the fine aggregate, as the one passing 4.75 mm IS sieve. The shape and surface texture of fine aggregate has greater influence on water demand of concrete than because fine aggregates contain a much higher surface area for a given weight. Rounded and smooth fine aggregate particles are better from the view point of workability than sharp and rough particles. The fine aggregate is often termed as a sand size aggregate. Sieve analysis was done to calculate the fineness modulus of sand. Locally available river bed sand was used in the present study.

2.1.3 Coarse aggregates
Since coarse aggregate forms the largest fraction of volume of concrete the characteristics of aggregate significantly influence the strength of concrete. The size of coarse aggregate plays an important role in determining the strength of concrete. In normal strength concrete, as size of coarse aggregate is increased, the water requirement reduced. So the net effect is gain in strength.

2.1.4 Soyabean Husk Ash
1. Collection of agriculture waste
2. Drying of waste (Treating waste) in sunlight
3. Made in soyabean husk ash machine
4. Store in dry condition

Raw material from conveyor, worm and gear will be delivered to the soyabean husk ash press machine. It is transferred to the cuppy motor and then it is pressed at high load in feeder box by cylinder and piston simple mechanism. The compression increases the temperature of raw material which get in result make it softening and lignin on surface and material get bind together. Required raw material in fine particle we can feed raw material in to conveyor up to 25mm size, there is no need to grinding which help to decrease labour cost and save power.
Easy operating system, The production rate is 600kg- 1500kg/Hr, Jumbo90 production rate is more as compare to other types of machine, it have 1200-1500kg/Hr production rate, and production cost is approx. 700rs./MT which is also less than other one, Two skill and 8 unskilled labours required to all types of machinery at one running plant. The operating power load is 70-90HP. No need to supply extra power. Finished product from the taper die, split die and Collette, of desired size and shape can be obtained. Raw material need to undergo primary crushing followed by a secondary finished product.

2.1.5 Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag:-
The properties of fresh concrete as well as mechanical properties and durability will be influenced by incorporation of slag as a replacement for Portland cement. Blast Furnace Slag is a by-product obtain in a manufacturing of pig iron in Blast Furnace and is formed by the earthy components of iron ore with lime stone flux. Quenching process of molten slag with water into fine granulated slag of whitish colour. This granulated slag when finely ground and combined with OPC has been found to exhibit excellent cementious material.


2.2.1 Working
As per IS Code 10262-1982 we have design a mix proportion of M40 grade in which sand used is of dry nature as well as aggregate which is of MSA 20mm. Cement used is OPC cement. Water is added according to proportion as described in IS Code procedure. Now the material such as soyabean husk ash is being put in the mix in varying proportions (5% to 30% of soyabean husk ash as well as ground granulated blast furnace slag) and then 9 cubes of size (150mmx150mmx150mm) of each percentage for 7 days, 21 days, 28days compressive strength are casted.

2.2.2 Batching
Weigh batching was preferred, since it is more accurate and leads to more uniform proportioning than volume batch. Specific gravities of material were determined.

2.2.3 Proportioning
Quantity of sand and aggregate was calculated by design mix.

2.2.4 Mixing
Machine mix was adopted throughout the experimental work. Materials such as sand, aggregate, cement were weighted and thoroughly mixed then water was added to the dry mix and then it was mixed till homogeneous mix was achieved in the machine.

2.2.5 Casting of specimens
The standard cast iron metal moulds of size 150mm x 150mm x 150mm were used. The moulds were cleaned off dust particles and applied with mineral oil on all sides, before concrete was poured into the moulds. And then moulds were placed on plate vibrator for 2 minutes. Whole casting procedure was confined to Indian Standard: 10086-2000.

2.2.6 Curing the specimens after casting
The moulded specimens were stored in the laboratory, free from vibrations, in moist air and at the room temperature for 24 hours. After this period, the specimen were removed from the moulds and immediately submerged in clean fresh water of curing tank. The curing water was renewed after every 5 days. The specimens were cured for 28 days.

2.2.7 Testing of specimen
The specimen cured as explained above were tested as per Indian Standard 516 – 1959 after removal from the curing tank and allowed to dry under shade.
Compressive strength test: In compressive strength test, the cube specimen was placed with cast faces of the cubes at the right angles to that as cast in the compression testing machine. According to standard specifications the load on the cube was applied at standard constant rate up to the failure of the specimen and the ultimate load was noted. Cube compressive strength was tested and the results were tabulated.

Slump Test: This test was used to determine the workability of fresh concrete. Slump test as per IS: 1199 – 1959 is followed. The slump test result is a measure of the behaviour of a compacted inverted cone of concrete for the consistency or the wetness of concrete. For workable concrete slump should be between 50mm to 100mm. Hence, a slump between 50mm to 75mm was strictly maintained.

2.3.1 Specification
  • Grade Designation: M40
  • Type of cement: OPC 53 grade confirming to IS 8112
  • Maximum nominal size of aggregate: 20mm
  • Minimum cement content: 360 kg/m³
  • Degree of supervision: Good
  • Type of aggregate: Crushed angular aggregate
  • Workability: 50mm to 75mm
  • Maximum cement content: 450kg/m³
2.3.2 Test data for materials
a) Cement used: OPC 53 grade conforming to IS 8112
b) Specific gravity of cement: 3.15
c) Chemical admixture: Super plasticizer conforming to IS 9103
d) Specific gravity of
  • Coarse aggregate : 2.87
  • Fine aggregate : 2.64
e) Water absorption
  • Coarse aggregate: 0.5 percent
  • Fine aggregate : 1.0 percent
f) Free (surface) moisture
  • Coarse aggregate: Nil (absorbed moisture also nil)
  • Fine aggregate: Nil
g) Sieve analysis
  • Coarse aggregate: Conforming to Table 2 of IS: 383
  • Fine aggregate: Conforming to Zone 1 of IS: 383
I. Target strength for mix proportioning
f’ck = fck + 1.65 s
f’ck = Target average compressive strength at 28 days,
fck= Characteristics compressive strength at 28 days,
s= standard deviation
From Table 1 standard deviation, s = 5N/mm2
Therefore target strength = 40 + 1.65 x 5 = 48.25 N/mm2

II. Selection of water cement ratio
From Table 5 of IS : 456 – 2000, maximum water cement ratio = 0.40

III. Selection of water content
From Table -2, maximum water content = 186 liters (from 25mm -50mm slump range and For 20 mm aggregate)
Estimated water content for > 100 mm slump = 186 + 3/100 x186 = 191.58 liters

IV. Calculation of cement content
Water cement ratio = 0.40
Water = 191.61 kg/m3
Cement = 191.6/0.40 = 479 kg/m3

V. Calculation of coarse and fine aggregate
From Table 3, for the specified maximum size of aggregate of 20 mm, the amount of entrapped air in the wet concrete is 2 percent. Taking this into account and applying equation from 3.5.1,
V = (W + C/SC + 1/p* fa/Sofa) x 1/1000
0.98 = (191.6 + 479/3.15 + 1/0.315 *fa/2.60) x1/1000
Fa = 521.15kg/m3
V = (W + C/SC + 1/1- p *Ca/Sac)*1/1000
0.98 = (191.6 + 479/3.15 +1/0.685 *Ca/2.60) x1/1000
Ca = 1133.3kg/m3

2.3.3 Mix Calculations:-
The mix calculations per unit volume of concrete shall be as follows
a) Volume of concrete =1 m3
b) Volume of cement = (521.15/3.15)*(1/1000) = 0.165 m3
c) Volume of water = (191.61/1)*(1/1000) = 0.191 m3
d) Volume of all in aggregate
= a-(b+c)
= 0.644m3
e) Volume of coarse aggregates
f) Volume of fine aggregate

2.3.4 Mix Proportions
Cement = 479 kg/m3
Water = 191.61 kg/m3
Fine aggregate = 521.15kg/m3
Coarse aggregate = 1133.33kg/m3
Water cement ratio = 0.40
Cement: Water: Fine aggregate: Coarse aggregate: 1: 0.40: 1.08: 2.36


108 cubes are casted with M40 grade concrete. Ten percent of cement was replaced by soyabean husk ash which is an agricultural waste and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag which is an industrial waste is mixed in concrete in different proportions. Compressive strength of cube specimen at 7 days, 21 days, 28 days are noted below and also their comparison are noted in tables.
Tables results are enclosed in file to download click here



The compressive strength generally increases with curing period and decreases with increased amount of Soyabean Husk Ash. Only 10% Soyabean Husk Ash substitution is adequate to enjoy maximum benefit of strength gain.
Concrete becomes less workable as the Soyabean Husk Ash percentage increases meaning that more water is required to make the mixes more workable. This means that Soyabean Husk Ash concrete has higher water demand.
The compressive strength generally increases with curing period and decreases with increased amount of GGBFS. Only 10% GGBFS substitution is adequate to enjoy maximum benefit of strength gain.
It is observed that GGBFS-based concretes have achieved an increase in strength for 10% replacement of cement at the age of 28 days. Increase in strength is due to filler effect of GGBFS.
From the above experimental results, it is proved that Soyabean Husk Ash can be used as an alternative material for cement, reducing cement consumption and reducing the cost of construction and GGBFS can be used as filler material. Use of industrial waste products saves the environment and conserves natural resources.


[1] Properties of Concrete by A.M. Neville
[2] Design of Structures with High Performance Concrete by Indubhusan Jena and Sunil Kumar Sahoo
[3] Cement and Concrete Technology by A.M. Neville , J.J. Brooks
[4] Indian Standard Code, IS 383(1970): Specification for coarse and fine aggregates
From Natural Source for Concrete.
[5] Indian Standard Code, IS 10262(2009): Concrete Mix Proportioning-Guidelines
[6] Indian Standard Code, IS 516(1959):Methods Of Tests For Strength Of Concrete
[7] Indian Standard Code, IS 1727(1967): Methods Of Tests For Pozzolanic
[8] White Coal as Renewable Energy Sources which is Made from Agriculture Waste
by Hemraj V. Tiplae and Vijay Bhan Dinkar


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