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Previously Asked Question

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1. Pick up the explosive used for tunneling in soft rocks from the following : 
A. Special gelatine
B. Blasting gelatine
C. Ammonia dynamite
D. Semi-gelatine

2. Which one of the following tunnelling method is used for lying underground sewers ?
A. Needle beam method
B. German method 
C. Army method
D. English method

3. To attain the required shape of tunnel we use :
A. Cutholes
B. Chisels
C. Erasers
D. Trimmers

4. For initial surveys of tunnel, the following activities are involved : 
a. Marking portal points with concrete pillars on the ground. 
b. Marking tunnel obligatory points on the topograpical maps.
c. Driving lines between the fixed obligatory points.
d. Preliminary setting of the tunnel on the topograpical survey of Indian maps.
The correct sequence of the activities are : 
A. b,a,d,c
B. a,b,c,d
C. d,b,c,a
D. c,b,d,a

5. If 'D' is a diameter of the tunnel in meters, then the thickness of lining in mm as per the empirical formula is given by :
A. 72D 
B. 82D
C. 92D
D. 102D

6. The concentration of dust particles of the size 0.5 to 5 microns adjacent to the working face should not be more than : 
A. 450 particles/cm^3
B. 350 particles/cm^3
C. 250 particles/cm^3
D. 150 particles/cm^3

7. For highways, tunnelling  is preferred if the open cut exceeds :
A. 10m depth
B. 15m depth
C. 20m depth
D. 25m depth

8. In compressed air tunnelling the volume of free air provided is : 
A. 10 cu.ft. seconds per sq.ft. of face area
B. 10 cu.meter min. per sq.meter of face area
C. 20 cu.ft. per min. per sq.ft. of face area
D. 6 cu.meter per hour per sq.meter of face area

9. NATM method of tunnelling is suitable for  :
a. Subway construction
b. Abnormal geological conditions
c. Soils at medium of shallow depth
d. Tunnelling large sections in very difficult ground.
Answer options :
A. a and b only
B. b and d only
C. a, c and d only
D. a, b, c and d

10. Which one of the following shapes is suitable for the construction of tunnel in non-cohessive soils?
A. Rectangular
B. Horseshoe
C. Eggshaped
D. Circular

11. The tunnels that are made to shortcut minor local obstacles are : 
A. Spiral tunnels 
B. Short tunnels
C. Off spur tunnels
D. Saddle tunnels

12. Which amomg the following is not a part of shield equipment ?
A. Gravel tank
B. Trailing dam
C. Nipper car 
D. Chute

13. The following operations are generally employed fot the Needle Beam Method of tunnelling : 
a. A trench jack is placed on the centre line of the needle beam to support the segment.
b. A monkey drift is driven for a short distance.
c. Drift is widened sideways and supported by lagging segments.
d. The roof of the monkey drift is supported by lagging.
e. The needle beam is slowly skidded forward into the monkey drift.
The correct sequence of the operations is : 
A. c,d,e,a,b
B. a,b,c,d,e
C. b,d,e,a,c
D. b,a,e,d,c

14. Which of the following is a serious health issue in case of workers involved in tunnelling operations?
A. Pneumonia
B. Deafness
C. Silicosis
D. Jaundice

15. The method used to control the amount of dust, where use of water while drilling may be impracticable or undesirable is : 
A. Dry system
B. Vaccuum hood system
C. Control system
D. Absorption system

16. In compressed air tunnelling, the amount ofair required per minute per meter sq. of face area is :
A. 1m^3/min/meter sq.
B. 6m^3/min/meter sq.
C. 10m^3/min/meter sq.
D. 20m^3/min/meter sq.

17. Which pattern of the drilling is not used for shafts?
A. Central wedge cut
B. End wedge cut
C. Vertical wedge cut
D. Alternate wedge cut

18. From the economy point of view, tunnelling is advisable when the depth of open cut us more than : 
A. 6m 
B. 12m
C. 18m
D. 24m

19. Table

20. Which of the following method is suitable for the construction of large sized railway or highway  tunnels?
A. Forepoling method
B. American method
C. Case method
D. Full face method

21. Table

22. In order to maintain the desired shape of the tunnel, the cross section of the tunnel must be checked at a regular interval of : 
A. 2m to 3m
B. 4m to 6m
C. 5m to 7m
D. 8m to 15m

23. Assertion(A) : Faces for attacking the excavation and construction of tunnels are opened by constructing pilot tunnels.
Reasoning (R) : Pilot tunnels are suitable at locations when horizontal approach to the center line of tunnel is shorter than deep vertical shafts.
A. Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.
B. A is true and R is false.
C. A is false and R is true.
D. Both A and R are false.

24. Which of the following methods is generally considered the most efficient system for ventilation of tunnel?
A. Driving a shaft through tunnel
B. Driving a drift through the top portion
C. Blow in method
D. Combination of blowing and exhausted

25. In case of long tunnels, the drainage system contains of sump wells which are located at regular intervals of about : 
A. 50m to 100m
B. 100m to 200m
C. 200m to 300m
D. 300m to 500m.


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