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Questions Set 1 (Harbor Docks)

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All question on Harbor Docks are asked in previous exams and here they are provided to get a access to it to apply it in your exam

1. When a ship floats at its designed water line, the vertical distance from water line to the bottom of the ship is known as 
A. Beam
B. Depth
C. Freeboard
D. Draft

2. The maximum harbour depth below lowest low water is generally equal to
i. Loaded draft + 1.2m when bottom is rock
ii. Loaded draft + 1.8m when bottom is soft
iii. Loaded draft + 1.2m when bottom is soft
iv. Loaded draft + 1.8m when bottom is rock
Of these statements :
A. i and ii are correct
B. i and iii are correct
C. ii and iv are correct
D. iii and iv are correct

3. The minimum diameter of the turning besin, where ships turn by going ahead and without tug assistance should be 
A. L
B. 1.5L
C. 2.0L
D. 4.0L 
Where L is the length of the largest ship to use the port.

4. Dead weight tonnage of a ship 
i. varies with latitude and season
ii. is more than displacement tonnage 
iii. is the difference between displacement load and displacement light
Of these statements :
A. i and ii are correct
B. ii and iii are correct
C. i and iii are correct
D. Only iii is correct

5. In the basins subjected to strong winds and tide, the length of berthing area should not be less than :
A. the length of designed vessel
B. the length of designed vessel + 10% clearance between adjacent vessel
C. the length of designed vessel + 20% clearance between adjacent vessel
D. twice the length of designed vessel

6. As per Stevenson's empirical formula, the approximate value of the height of the wave in metres is given by :
A. 0.34√F 
B. 0.5√F 
C. 1.5√F 
D. 3.4√F 
where F is the fetch in km.

7. As per Berlin's formula, the length of the wave in metres is given by :
A. 1.34 t²
B. 1.56 t²
C. 1.74 t²
D. 1.94 t²
where 't' is the period in seconds for two successive waves to pass the same section.

8. Consider the following statements in regard to Beaufort scale for wind speeds
i. The Beaufort number ranges from 1 to 12.
ii. Higher Beaufort number indicates higher speed of wind.
iii. Beaufort number for calm is smallesr and for hurricane is highest.
Of these statements :
A. i and ii are correct
B. ii and iii are correct
C. i and iii are correct
D. i, ii and iii are correct

9. At a given port, the fetch is 400 nautical miles, the maximum height of storm wave will be 
A. 2.073 m
B. 8.169 m
C. 9.144 m
D. 6.8 m

10. In a two lane channel, bottom width of channel is given by 
A. Manoeuvring lane + 2 x Bank clearance lane
B. 2 x Manoeuvring lane + 2 x Bank clearance lane
C.  2 x Manoeuvring lane + 2 x Bank clearance lane + ship clearance lane
D. Manoeuvring lane + 2 x Bank clearance lane + ship clearance lane.

11. Minimum width of ship clearance shall be 
A. B or 30m
B. 1.5 B or 50m
C. 1.5 B
D. 50m
wher B is the beam of design vessel

12. Littoral draft as bed load is proportional to 
A. V^5/(G-1)²
B. V⁴/(G-1)²
C. V³/(G-1)
D. V²/(G-1)
where V = velocity
G = specific gravity of transported material.

13. Select incorrect statement
A. The process of work in low level method of mound construction is very slow.
B. Barge method of mound construction is economical.
C. In low level method of mound construction, the area of working is limited.
D. In staging method of mound construction, the work is not interrupted even during stormy weather.

14. The most popular method of construction of wall breakwaters is 
A. Barge method
B. Staging method
C. Low level method
D. None of the above

15. As compared to the wall type breakwater, mound type breakwater 
A. Requires skilled labour
B. Requires low maintenance cost
C. Requires less material
D. Results in less damage due to gradual failure.


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